Hi Everyone, Here’s a bunch of pictures and descriptions of our school lunches lately. Probably our favorite thing to bring to lunch is avocado sushi rolls but that only happens with a leftover and usually there are no leftovers. Hope this gives some ideas for your lunches. Please share […]
Good Morning Everyone, We love chia pudding and normally eat chocolate or vanilla, but we have a new recipe to share and that’s Raspberry Chia Pudding. It is very simple to make and a treat. Plus it is very healthy. We take Chia pudding to school a lot and we […]
Good Morning Everyone! We hope you enjoy our interview with Mr. Jim Nawn, the owner of Agricola which is a farm to table restaurant in Princeton. Watch the video and learn about his favorite dish at Agricola and a new and exciting vegetable they are growing at his Great Road Farm and much much […]
Hi Everyone, We are so excited about launching a new flavor of our Kitchen Twins Kale Chips. Introducing…..Toasted Coconut Make Your Own Kale Chips! Yum yum. It’s on shelf now at Pennington Quality Market. This combination may seem different, but trust us it is just delicious (see empty bowl in picture)? We use […]
Hi Everyone, Loren Brill is the owner of Sweet Loren’s cookies which is a line of cookies that are sold in the frozen section in all of the NYC Whole Foods stores and many more. Below is Sweet Loren’s very special Chocolate Oatmeal Chunkers cookie recipe that you can make yourself. […]
Hi Everyone, We were so happy to be able to interview Kim Rizk, owner and chef of Jammin’ Crepes in Princeton New Jersey. Click below to watch the interview and learn what her favorite crepe is, what inspired her to cook, her biggest cooking disasters and more. And at the end you’ll […]
Hi Everyone, This is our third Kitchen Curiosities video and interview and we are very excited to share our school garden and introduce you to our wonderful garden teacher, Mrs. Flory. We divided this one into 2 parts and this is part 1…you’ll meet our chickens here and visit our […]
At our school we have a garden where we grow many things. That includes kohlrabi, spinach, kale, tomatillos, husk cherries, sorrel, stevia, and many more. We also make honey from the bees we have. Another thing that we have is chickens. They are just starting to lay eggs, […]
What is Meatless Monday? Meatless Monday is a day to try and not eat meat, and that is easy for us because we are vegetarian (well mostly, sometimes we eat fish). If you do eat meat and want to try eating less, this is a way to not eat meat […]
Just wanted to let you know that Lyla and I are so honored and excited to be doing a Kitchen Twins cooking demo this Monday at the Princeton Junior School! We’ll be sharing our menu & recipe here too! We are excited! http://www.princetonjuniorschool.org/school-calendar/2014/1/27/kitchen-twins-cooking-demo