How We Named Our Blog Kitchen Twins

How we named our blog Kitchen Twins is actually really funny. Below is a picture of all our ideas and here is the story:
We sat down as a family and wrote down a bunch of ideas. We chose our top ones and voted on them as a family. We included our cats in the voting (that’s how there are 6 votes total).  Kitchen-Sisters ended up with two votes and Kitchen Twins with four votes, so Kitchen Twins won and because we are twins we felt it would be more personal and our told our story better with naming our blog Kitchen Twins. And now I hear that name every day and think we voted for the right one! That is how we got the name Kitchen Twins for our blog and now our Kale Chips.

Of course, Lyla and I were younger so clearly weren’t perfect spellers ( in each idea Kitchen is Spelled Kicten!)

Emily & Lyla 🙂




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