Adirondack Adventure: Week 1

imagejpeg_0Picture yourself in a really crazy reality show and that would be our first week in the Adirondack Mountains.

We have had a week full of surprises and fun:

  • Two power outages (from thunderstorms)
  • Fireworks on fourth of July from a boat; we thought half of the fireworks were lightning too though
  • We both passed our swim tests
  • Emily went slalom skiing
  • We had two plumbing shutdowns
  • We went tubing three times
  • We made banana bread, chocolate chunk cookies, and Gem Wraps filled with avocado and apple (yum)
  • A bear broke into our uncle’s camp
  • There were seven car break-ins by bears
  • We did yoga
  • We designed a tree house with our friends.
  • We swam every moment we could
  • Went paddle boarding
  • We ate lots of good food!
Getting ready for the swim test.
Ready for water skiing!
Water skiing.
A boat ride to the car.


Driving the boat.


And now we are going to film our ABC Philadelphia clip! Stay tune for what we make and of course shake. So exciting!!! 🙂

We hope you had a good first week of July also.

Thanks for reading.

Emily and Lyla, The Kitchen Twins
